Unfortunately the internet has been down all week, or extremely restricted and will be down all weekend as well, so I don’t think I’ll be able to post anything on my blogs besides this update. I finally finished the book I’ve been reviewing on my writing blog for the last few months. I’m working on the last few blog posts for it and a review article for the book and hope to have something up on my writing blog next weekend.
I’m also enjoying resaerching General Halleck, a union General-In-Chief Lincoln refered to as “little better than a first-class clerk”. He was a genius on paper but had no ability to control his subordinates.
My work certification is finally getting started. I got five walkthroughs done this week, which leaves 11 to go before the oral board infront of ten experts on ship. I’m glad I finally found the motivation to get started.
A few months ago I wrote about some new ideas I had, especially during November. …
Wow, it's been about a year since I last posted here. I'm sorry about that,…
Wow, this is kinda sad. It's been months since I've updated this blog or most…
What have I done this week? To be honest, I've been lazy again. Work has…
I've had an interesting week at work. We pulled back into home port and are…