Categories: Random update

New Direction?

Wow, it’s been about a year since I last posted here.  I’m sorry about that, my life has been through so many changes in a year that I haven’t kept up.  (Translation: I’ve had a lot of excuses to procrastinate and have taken them so I haven’t touched my business in a long time.)  As the new year began I started the paperwork to get out of the Navy.  In May I put my stuff in storage and checked out of the Navy before moving in with my oldest sister in  Wisconsin.  After a month I moved into a small apartment behind her husband’s office and said I was going to focus on my blogs and crafts with fewer distractions.  I also said I’d sort through the stuff I had left at my parent’s place, which was now in storage nearby.  I had planned to go to Europe over the summer but waited until the summer to get my passport.  In the beginning of July I realized I was spending all my time with my kindle or catching up on old television shows.  I would get as little done traveling as I was getting done in my apartment only I’d have more pictures to show for it.  So I buckled down and went from my college orientation day in mid-July to Chicago to NYC to Washington DC, returning at the beginning of August.  In that time I got a few blogs up, but not the daily ones I had planned.  Lots of pictures, very little actual work done.  August was spent trying to finish my craft projects and organizing my things (translation: more reading and television with some craft work and moving much of my stuff from cardboard boxes to one or two fewer plastic boxes).  School started and my time has disappeared (translation: more television and books with homework getting done barely on time and usually late at night when I finally see the clock).

This month is National Novel Writing Month, which is basically an idea some writer came up with and built a website around where authors are encouraged to try and write 50,000 words in one month with well known writers encouraging new authors .  It’s a good idea but it means almost 1500 words a day to reach the goal.  I told myself that starting Friday I would start my fiction blog this past weekend.  I spent all Friday (after classes) doing final worldbuilding.  By the time I got to bed, I was too worn out to write and told myself I’d finish the next day and write 3000 words.  Yeah, I picked up a book and three or four books later it was late Sunday night and I had homework to do.  Not surprising, this post is my first computer written words all month.  I still plan to get my story started, it’s just intimidating therefore I’m procrastinating.

My newest English assignment is a group project.  (In case you’re interesting, I have been posting my English assignments online on but they are a few pages long.)  We decided to write about options other high school graduates have besides going straight to college.  (It started out as a question of if everyone needs college, but we couldn’t find enough examples of people who got really rich without any degrees.)  I read about a few interesting people (such as a few places claiming the Rich Dad, Poor Dad guy doesn’t even practice what he preaches and there was no real “rich dad”, just a lot of fictional anecdotes for educational purposes).  Among the pile of articles I found was this one: .  I may be in college right now but I’m not sure I want to work in the Greek and Roman culture for the rest of my life.  I’m kind of at the point of “I’ve learned about these guys for so long, I just want something new” place in my life.  Reaching it my freshman year in college does not bode well with my future happiness.  It almost feels like I’m trying to force myself in a round peg when I’m a large oval.  The fit isn’t painful, just definitely not perfect.  So what is my perfect fit?  Where do I really want to be in ten years?  My dream is to be in an apartment overlooking a gorgeous beach where I can write, read, craft, or travel on my whim with no worries as to money.  The question is, how do I get there?  Is that my weekends while I spend 9-5 plus a day at a museum or do I have a freelance job that I can do just as easily from my sister’s couch as from a hostel in Greece or a five star hotel in Paris?  The museum job is starting to sound rather claustrophobic, especially if it is based around Greek or Roman life.  The question is: what life do I want the most and how do I get it?  How do I motivate myself when all I want to do is procrastinate and watch television or read?  Hopefully the previous website will help me figure out my life and motivate myself to something.

Well this is almost 900 words and I’ve procrastinated from homework long enough so I’ll bid you goodnight and try to keep you informed on my future.

L. Ruth

Published by
L. Ruth

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